Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Day of Celebrations!

We had a fun and busy day today!  Matt worked until 3pm, so Amelia and I got to party without him during the morning and afternoon.  We went to a wedding shower in the morning, and then a graduation party after lunch.  Amelia was happy to be passed around and held all day.  Here is a picture of Lia being held by our friend Ali while at the graduation party:

So while we were at the graduation party, a group of us decided it would be fun to keep the party going longer by having a Big Bang Theory Marathon.  Matt was able to join us after work, and we hung out with friends until about 8pm.  Matt and I were pretty exhausted, and he has to work tomorrow, so it was a good plan to go home.  Now that Lia has been fed, and she had her first major blow-out diaper, and I have scrubbed clean her outfit, I think it is time for bed!  (We need our beauty sleep so we can be up for those two nighttime feeding sessions!)

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