Thursday, Sept 16: Lia was in a frank breech position, and we had a meeting on this day with one of the two doctors at our clinic who might be able/willing to deliver Lia via natural methods. The meeting didn't make Matt or me feel very comfortable with the idea considering this doctor's methods weren't lining up with our research regarding the safest way to naturally deliver a breech baby. I went into panic mode and decided to look into changing our plans at the last minute. Got the number for a local birthing center and planned to call them ASAP in the morning for additional info.
Friday, Sept 17th: The head midwife at the birthing center informs me that they are not allowed to have a planned breech delivery in their facility, but they can help us if we have a home birth. Our insurance doesn't cover a home birth, so the midwife refers me to a doctor (Dr. Dennis Hartung, Hudson Physicians) who would likely be able to help. The doctor's clinic is 40 minutes away, much farther than the hospital that is within a mile of our house, but I am desperate. After a brief phone consult over lunch, I schedule a 4:30pm in person consult with the doctor for the same day. Our meeting with the doctor goes amazingly well. His experience and plans for delivery fit perfectly with our research, and he has successfully delivered multiple breech babies throughout his career. I finally feel comfortable with the birthing plan we have in place. I have a strong suspicion that I don't have much time left, so I'm relieved to be at peace with our plans for delivery. Matt and I spend time on Friday night trying to encourage labor to start, but no luck yet. :-)
Saturday, Sept 18th: Matt and I do something touristy, so I get in good walking time (again, hoping to get labor started.) By evening, I realize I have caught a cold. Lots of congestion and no energy make me very sleepy, so I zonked out early. Here's a pic of me while on our walk after the tour:
Sunday, Sept 19th: I was able to make it through church with a lot of warm tea to help with my sore throat. Afternoon was spent cleaning and preparing for company who would arrive once the baby came.
Monday, Sept 20th: Amelia's birthday!!
The birth story: As usual, I got up multiple times throughout the night. by 4:30am, I realized that I now had a fever of about 99.5 deg F, so I took some Tylenol to help bring the fever down. At 5:30am, I was wrapped in a blanket on the living room couch with tissues and water on hand. I had decided to stay home from work due to the cold/fever. Matt woke up to make sure I was up and moving, and that is when I informed him I would be staying home. At that very moment, my water broke in a massive gush. I exclaimed something along the lines of "oh my goodness!", and I told Matt what had happened so he could help get things in the car for us to head to the hospital. (5:30am sure was good timing for avoiding traffic yet being awake!) I was leaking badly, so Matt got everything ready and loaded into the car without me (only later realizing that we hadn't packed the camera.)
We arrived at the hospital around 6:30am, and I was wheeled in to get registered. (We weren't in the hospital's system yet because we had just switched to the new clinic on Friday.) My contractions were only a couple of minutes apart and strong, getting stronger every time. We checked into our room, and during these early contractions, I puked twice. By 8:30am I was already 9cm dilated, and I was fully dilated by 9:20am. I was trying every position possible to manage the pain. Tub/bed/birthing ball/lying on my side/kneeling... wasn't having much luck, but for some reason, I still wasn't thinking about asking for any pain meds. I like to think this is due to my stubborn, stoic nature.
At 9:25am, I was able to start pushing. Thankfully, I was able to move around as needed using a birthing ball, birthing stool, and kneeling on the bed. The doctor had been checking in throughout the morning, and he and the nurse had been great coaches for me. By 11am, Matt was able to see our baby's bottom just before she slipped back inside to await the next push. I was determined to make every push count in order to be done ASAP. The doctor stayed with the nurse, Matt, and me practically the entire time monitoring progress and encouraging me through the pushes. At 11:20am, our baby girl, Amelia, was born! Her APGARs were good (7 and 8), and she only needed some oxygen and time in the warmer after she had arrived. (The doctor did have to help her legs and arms to come out during the pushing, so we are glad we had someone there who knew how to do this safely!)
By the time she was born, I was so exhausted that I didn't mind having a few minutes to rest and recover while the team took care of Amelia. Throughout the labor process, I wanted everything quiet and dark. I had no energy to talk or even respond to questions. Matt and the team were wonderful, taking care of everything for me that they could. After Amelia was deemed okay, the doctor talked me through the delivery of the placenta. One easy push and that step was done!
Hospital recovery was great. Lots of caring people were near to help with cleanup of the mess, bring food, and keep us comfortable. I had thrown up twice during early contractions, and I felt nauseous for a long while after delivery, so it took some time before we were moved to the post-delivery room. Matt skyped/facebooked/took pics (using my mom's camera and a disposable camera that a nice hospital employee had purchased for us.) My mom helped with the baby and other needs. (My mom had arrived just after the delivery, which she thinks is probably a good thing.)
We stayed in the hospital for one night only, leaving in the afternoon of 9/21. I was overwhelmed by the caring, high-touch nature of the hospital staff. What a wonderful team! Plus, the nurse (and the doctor) seemed excited to be part of the process. It was a great event in our lives to share with such a caring team of medical professionals. (Note: We were discharged before we got to see the doctor again, but he gave us a phone call on Wednesday to check in on how things were going. How nice!) I couldn't have asked for a better labor and delivery experience! No drugs, no tearing, no surgery, and a healthy baby girl. What a great day!
Pictures from just after the birth:
Pictures from just after the birth:
For having just gone through an all natural labor and not having taken a shower, I think I was looking pretty good!
And here are some pics with Amelia being held by Granny Callie:
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