Well, the holidays were a bit busy for us. We had two separate Christmases this year, so I have just now finally gotten pictures loaded onto my laptop. Another reason that I'm a bit behind? My hard drive crashed last week, but now I have a functioning computer yet again. And for those of you who are scared for us, no, I didn't lose any pictures. (I've been paranoid about backing up for a while now, and since I've had to reformat twice since Lia was born, this has been a good thing.)
Anyway, thought I would post a few of my favorite pics from the last couple of weeks...
Hanging out in the office... Probably trying to decide if she wants to just look around or chew on something. (Chewing and drooling have picked up since she hit the three month mark, so let's just say we're going through a lot of burp clothes.)
Opening presents while sitting on Daddy's lap during Christmas #2:
Naptime in a new, warm, and fuzzy sleep-n-play:
In addition to chewing on anything in site, Lia has started to even chew on her bottom lip a bit. So far, no damage, but we're trying to encourage chewing on things other than body parts...like teething toys. And we were playing "reach for the rattle". Matt says he thinks that Lia is favoring her left hand... We'll see!
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